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  • joseph.ebberwein

Wound Care Developments We're Thankful For

Updated: Mar 30, 2021


At this time of year, we reflect upon our reasons to be thankful, and our Corstrata team would like to share some of our thoughts with you about wound care developments that are worth appreciating.

We are thankful for the clinicians who go through the rigorous certification process to become a CWOCN or CWS. These board-certified clinicians utilize their training and experience to apply evidence-based treatments to their patient’s wounds to produce healing in the most cost-effective manner possible.

We are thankful for the wound care supply and other ancillary treatment companies that invest in research to develop dressings and other modalities that improve wound healing for our patients. Certified wound experts are armed with the knowledge of when to use either newer treatments or the tried and true treatments to produce quality and cost effective results.

We are thankful for healthcare providers across multiple care delivery settings - acute care hospitals, LTAC, SNF, Home Health, and Hospice who invest in board certified wound care clinicians to help prevent wounds and manage their patients with existing wounds. The results of this investment produce significant decreases in lower extremity amputations as well as reductions in 30 day readmissions for patients with new ostomies, to name a few.

We are thankful for the advances in telemedicine technology, which create access to expert wound care for many patients - from those currently transported from SNFs to outpatient settings to patients in rural communities who drive as much as two hours one way to receive the level of wound care needed to heal their wounds.

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?


Corstrata provides healthcare providers with access to scarce board-certified wound experts. We assist providers with developing a wound program that includes evidence based, best practice wound treatments, staff education, pressure ulcer prevention program, and wound formulary redesign. Additionally, Corstrata provides wound image and video consults that include accurate identification of the wound type, accurate staging, accurate wound measurement, and recommended treatment and wound dressing. Contact us today for Expert Wound Care. Anywhere.



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