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Our Corstrata Values

Our path is chosen. We have made the commitment to turn the vision into reality. Our journey begins with a heart that fuels the passion to push beyond the norms, beyond the status quo. It requires integrity to do the right thing for the right reasons. With open-minded tenacity, we harness innovation to deliver our services with excellence and without compromise. This is our way - the Corstrata way.

Psychology Patient

Heart - Passion fuels the heart of Corstrata; our empathy and compassion allow us to understand and relate to those we serve.

Integrity - Following our inner compass and holding ourselves and others accountable to do the right thing, particularly when it comes to patient care.

Doctor Talking to Boy in Wheelchair
Successful Meeting

Innovation - We challenge the status quo and embrace diverse care models to drive and deliver innovation.

Excellence - We believe in doing things the right way or not doing them at all. Compromising on quality is not an option.

Adult Education Course
Climbing Rope

Tenacity - Corstrata’s team is tirelessly committed to achieving our goals, mission, and vision, while always maintaining our patient-centered focus.

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